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EDUC 401/402

Anchor 1

As an educator, I believe it is my responsibility to facilitate the growth of critical thinking and self-reflection in my students and myself.

As an educator, I believe it is my responsibility to demonstrate a pluralistic and democratic community with fellow colleagues, students, and parent communities.

As an educator, I believe it is my responsibility to be educated on the most current pedagogical perspectives.

As an educator, I believe it is my responsibility to foster trust, safety and inclusion inside and outside of the classroom.

My Credo

One of our first collaborative experiences with my peers was to mind map a poster that epitomizes the four pedagogical dispositions. This was a neat experience as it got us thinking about these dispositions and began our growth in being critical thinkers.

We were given a chapter in the book "The Short Bus" to illustrate what we envisioned the chapter to be. I really the imagery from the book that I conjured in my mind. Furthermore it was awesome to see other people's illustration of other chapters and compare with our own internal image. 

During the semester, on several occasions, Dr. Sean Chorney came to give us little math challenges but more importantly to challenge us to re-conceptualize Math. He introduce verbalization of Mathematics and showed us that our pre-conceptions of math limit our teaching of math.

We were tasked with researching our own SpEd inquiry topic. I chose to do epilepsy and seizures. In my last year as an Educational Assistant, I had a student who suffered from seizures. This made me curious about the condition.

Community Experience

We made posters to give an account of our community scan experience. My community scan included the catchment of Anmore and Port Moody. The neighborhood around the school could be largely summed up as Suburban.

The catchment included several elementary schools such as Aspenwood Elementary and Anmore Elementary, Middle schools such as Eagle Mountain Middle and High schools such as Heritage Mountain. The area was made up of single detached homes ranging into the millions plus but strangely enough there was also a trailer park area not too far from affluent neighborhoods.

We participated in the School of Wonderstanding. There were 120 students participating. Each group had their own homeroom of approximately 20 students. We designed our own activities that spanned the week for the students to partipate in. We designed games like Toothpick towers, Candy unwrapping relays, etc., and we created a bubble wand craft activity.

We attended a CTA Pro-D conference with Dr. Michael Unger as the key note speaker. He talked about resiliency in students. We also attended a Pro-D with Dr. Leyton Schnellert about socio-emotional learning.

School Experience

A rendition of Eagle Mountain Middle School done by the school's art teacher

My Classroom! Two classrooms separated by a slideable wall. I had to teach to 60 students on most days during my short practicum.

Some cool things that I got to see during my school experience was a student entrepreneur fair, catalogueing, and sit in on a grad presentation panel.

Some of the lesson's/units we taught during our stint as teacher candidates at Eagle Mountain. Created a settlers game for the environment section of our Ancient Civilizations mini unit. Taught a mini unit on percentage and made an about me poetic percentage pie chart.

Links to my unit plans, lessons plans and some handouts I made for the class.

Finally connecting with students and having fun. April Fools on the teacher!

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